Achieving Your Dreams: How to be Unstoppable

fat-release fertility Apr 01, 2024

Adults are impressive in many ways except one: being a Beginner & Resetting.

These are perhaps the most important secrets to success in anything, especially when it comes to reaching your health goals & living your dreams.

Let me show you why.

Something is "Wrong" or "Wrong with Me"

Multiple times a week, I hear something along the following in my client consults:

"Every time I step on the scale or tape measure my body... and the number hasn't changed, I feel frustrated..."


"I did it all - just like we talked about, but like usual this time of the day, all my physical energy is gone and I feel so disappointed that my body is not healing faster..."


"Everything was ready to go, but about two hours after we left, I remembered that I'd forgotten my supplements on the counter!! I can definitely feel the difference when I don't take them - anyhow, that was just so dumb of me..."

Has something gone terribly wrong? No, almost never.

Most of the time, when I dig a little deeper, they did much more RIGHT than they did wrong. Often, it's actually ALL improving.

The only actual "problem" - so to speak - is usually one of these:
not letting themselves be a beginner beating themselves up daily for the mistakes of the past

Both of which most children have 0% problems doing.

Introducing "Little You, The Beginner".

Let me introduce you to Olivia. She and her husband had multiple miscarriages in the past few years and are ready to try anything for their dream of having a family.

As we work together, there is a lot to change for the better, and Olivia in particular is very orderly & sometimes a little too hard on herself.

Let me give you an example:

Last week, Olivia drank 2L of mineralized water for 5/7 days, and maybe 500mL on the two other days.

"Superb!" I said.

"I know... but also an absolute failure." Olivia says.

You might find this unbelievable for her to say, but you know you do this to yourself too - don't you, my friend?

This is when I introduced Olivia to "Little Olivia".

Little Olivia is Olivia, but the 1-2 year old version, just learning to walk.

Here's what to do with Little Olivia: The primary objective from now on is this one simple thing: every time Olivia feels ...

like a failure ( or not good enough )

frustrated ( a nice word for angry )

anxious ( a nice word for afraid )

or even feeling like being mean to herself (over-critical, harsh, judgemental),

picture this instead... the 1-2 year old Olivia, learning how to walk.

And here's what to think while picturing her: "Ah, she a beginner."

"Yeah, she's TERRIBLE at walking. BUT she is SOO excited, wanting to join all the other adults walking around her. Awe.."

Doesn't she just melt your heart right open?

Now what kind of person could possibly discourage this little one?

The part of us that feels negative emotions - especially around failure or imperfection - just wants to be understood and embraced even though he or she doesn't do everything perfectly. . . just like all the little children in the world learning to walk.

Now try that on for yourself! Imagine Little You.

And for all the adults in the room, here's a friendly reminder: anytime you start something new - you ARE a beginner!

Honestly, just read that again, it takes a few times to sink in.

And when you fall, as all beginners do, say something like this to yourself: dear Olivia, smile at yourself already when you fall over - maybe even laugh!

Say, "Yes, I know it's hard... and I still want to do it anyways. Beside, look how far I've come already! Good job, Little Olivia!"

You are more than welcome to refer to yourself in third person, like "Little You", "You", or "her/him". Referring to parts of ourself often allows greater attention and care to flow to those specific parts often ignored or numbed out.

Then they slowly come back to life & reintegrate into our lives; fuelling us towards our dreams rather than weighing us down.

Make no mistake on this one point: there is almost certainly a part of you that's a very discouraged or isolated child.

There is also a part of you that's the adult, often handing out the discouragement & punishment.

And after years of this, the adult wonders where their "child-like" curiosity and energy went.

Why don't you want to try new things anymore?

Why don't you believe in big things anymore?

I'm telling you this is why, because I've seen it over and over again: most of the time, we ourselves are self-discouraging/punishing/isolating.

Whether someone taught us to do that or not, now you have a new awareness of Little You, which means you have a choice:

Will you reconnect to Little You, say you're sorry, mean it, and go explore the world again - making lots of embarrassing beginner mistakes along the way?

or not?

Perhaps before you make the decision, let me introduce you to "New You", because if I leave that out, it all falls to pieces.

Resetting: Every Day is a Clean Slate.

After people serve their time in prison, they're no longer legally held responsible for what they once did.

Great, so how about we treat ourselves that way too?

Yeah, I know you.

I know you still keep yourself imprisoned here and there... spending so much energy holding things against yourself, even though it's been years and no one except you even thinks about it anymore.

I know you because I coach and guide people just like you, people who want to improve. People who want life changing results. And we "dreamers", myself included, are masters at beating ourselves up.

Let's stop that, shall we?

Consider this circle dial phone: it was ALL the rage not so long ago, the shiniest most inventive brilliant idea to ever have existed!
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Fun question: If you held that circle dial phone in your hands today, would you spend ANY time yelling at it for all the features it doesn't have yet?
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No way! That would be insane!

Sure, your smartphone has 100 times more fancy features TODAY, but what does that have anything to do with your old circle dial phone?

The same thing goes for yourself: you have many past versions of you.

Yelling at ANY of them has no meaning.

Remember, your past self could never have known enough to "be 100% prepared" or reacted "100% the right way" and expecting that is the same as expecting perfection-in-advance.

By the way, why doesn't "perfect" exist? Because everyone has a different version of perfect. That's exactly what people mean when they say "it's impossible to please everyone".

So what do we value instead? I propose self-cultivation & productivity, because that can be measured & that brings your dreams into reality.

This is the kind of person I help my clients become: the kind of person who takes responsibility for yesterday's mistakes, but does not waste time beating themselves up over them.

Then what happens?

Then they take ALL that energy and make their dream come true! I've seen people take "Little Me" and "New Me" and explode in growth... they
lose those last 10 lbs
carry their pregnancy to full term
get off those awful medications
sleep like a champion
get a reverse diagnosis from their doctor: "oh, it looks like we were wrong about that Rheumatoid Arthritis marker from last year..."

Your dreams are waiting for you to get your act together. Your dreams demand for you to put your energy into the work already! We don't have time for all this self-blame bulls*t.

They focus on making themselves even 0.5%-1% better than yesterday - in measurable ways, week by week, month by month, year to year.

Today's version of you is the wisest most experienced version that has ever existed, and don't you dare waste a single second berating this new shiny you.

Just in case you need official permission to do this:

This is your officially permission to wake up every day a "New You".

I gave Olivia permission - that she already had - to feel brand new. Now she enjoys waking up every day deserving hopefulness and deserving excitement for the possibilities of today!

The "New You" energy is as infectious and unburdened as a child's energy. And if you can't tap into that state right away, it helps my clients to picture themselves when they were maybe 5-6 or 9-10.

If possible, look for videos or pictures of yourself at that age.

See the boundless energy you once had.

I promise it's there somewhere.

Notice that New You has basically no memory & hates to hear how it "apparently disappointed you" yesterday.

To New You, yesterday's humiliations are 100% irrelevant and might as well have happened to someone else.

So work with yourself! As the adult in the room, take responsibility for yesterday's mistakes, readjusting your plans accordingly, and move forward.

Now combine New You (boundless energy) with Little You (forgiveness & compassion) and I dare say there is no dream out of reach for you.

Final Thoughts

For my fellow orderly-yet-rebellious-perfectionists, if you practice the "Little You" and "New You" self concept and you find that on some days you forget to do it, or something came up, etc., just remember this one thing above all else:

Nothing has gone wrong. You only feel off and think something has gone wrong if you believe there is a "right" way and a "wrong" way.

Most of the time, that's just perfection - and that doesn't exist.

Also, this is a new self concept practice that takes time to integrate into your life effortlessly.

Don't you love how meta this is?

Effortlessness requires effort in the beginning because you're a beginner. Effort makes converts impossible --> improbable --> inevitable.

And because I can't help myself and sprinkle this sentence everywhere like sublime seasoning:

Ordinary things, done consistently, create extraordinary results.

Finally, thank you for reading!

These Nutrition Letters are now broadcasted by a local Radio Host in Maine, USA. As these Letters come out each month, Radio Host Bill & I dive deeper and answer your questions. If you have any questions for our next show, please send them my way.

Here is the audio link to our conversation for the last Nutrition Letter on The Slow Breath & How to Cut Down 80% of your Unnecessary Stress.

My private functional nutrition practice is currently accepting new clients.

Here are the conditions I help resolve, at :

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