Daily Water Intake Goal & Why You Want One

fat-release fertility minerals Jan 01, 2024
If you think you're the average person with an average job and average hobbies, guess what?
Science still hasn't pinpointed an exact minimum adequate amount of water for you to drink. Now, that's for the average. Imagine what it's like for the anyone who's not average [ ehkm... that is, everyone ].
To thrive, most of my clients need about 2L of minerlized* water every day. The multiple factors that go into finding the right number for him or her are many. Here's a reasonably comprehensive list:
  • Age & Sex
  • Height & Weight
  • Digestion Status
  • Job & Hobbies
  • Goals & Physical Activity
  • Stress
Wait, but why do want to figure out your daily water intake goal?
Excellent question. Here's why:
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This is your blood.


The river within our body that carries almost all the important resources around your body.
Your heart pushes that river along.
But what makes that resource rich river flow easily? As you can see, the answer is mostly water.
Most of our blood plasma is water.
Technically, blood is even considered a connective tissue because it connects all body systems, dealing with everything from waste to nutrient management. This is why I love to think of the blood like the river systems of the world in the pre-Roman road era, when the easiest way to travel and transport resources was - by far - through rivers on boats.
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I see so many people deal with dehydration, especially as their day goes on. In the morning, things look the best since many people are naturally thirsty & with a glass or two of water, they swell the currents of their almost muddy rivers. Finally, your cells can launch those internal resource boats and make things happen efficiently! Oxygen can get to you brain, the waste accumulated overnight can easily flow into the ocean, and all those breakfast nutrients can make it to your vital organs - keeping you breathing, focused, even calm.
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Ofcourse, trade doesn't stop if the river banks are running low [thanks heart!]. It just really slows down. Let's see what would happen in our pre-roads era scenario.
First, the boats need to be smaller, so they don't sink into the low slow muddy river. And what does a resilient merchant do? How about loading less cargo per boat? [Bye bye energy!].
Second, the traffic jam around that most popular down-river market city [ like... your brain! ] is going to take forever. So maybe that once regular merchant decides to try again later, maybe on the way back, but forgets all about it as the day goes on and traffic jams don't end. After all, it seems like a hit or miss day [memory challenges, anyone?].
Stuff will somehow still get done. . . But all those boat market folks will be more anxious & tired than ever [BOTH signs of dehydration]. Oh yeah, and many of those hardworking merchants missed lunch, so now they're craving snacks [and making you crave some too].
Anyhow the day turns out a mess & almost no one returns home without a headache [yes, that too could be dehydration] about what's to come tomorrow. And look at those clothes you travelled in today, they are absolutely filthy! Go wash them! Where, you ask. By the river! Good luck smelling alright tomorrow [detoxification pathways slow down to a crawl].
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Speaking of tomorrow... Many a merchant family wonders if the rains will come. Will the river banks swell and bring ease back to the people? You tell me. How do you treat your people?
Compare this ancient scenario with the following symptoms of dehydration:

Acute Dehydration

Darker Urine
Muscle Cramps
Memory/Concentration Difficulties

Chronic Dehydration

Back pain
Joint pain
Exercise Asthma
The chronic dehydration symptoms just capture exactly what you'd imagine would happen to those ancient pre-road peoples if the river stayed low, slow, and muddy for months and years. Similarly, life for all your cells just gets so UN-necessarily difficult, ofcourse they'll basically age quicker and be in more pain.
The crawling detoxification system is also quite a real issue. If anyone recommends you a detox program without making sure you're upping your water intake, then please back away. That might get the sewage out of the house, but not all the way to the ocean. You see the body is smart in the way that it doesn't actually let super toxic debris flow around for too long in your blood. If the sludge does not make it to the ocean in time, the body picks it up again and wraps it up in various parts of you, like your fat cells! [ Ever wondered why you feel crappy when you lose weight (and fat)? ]
So drink your water already! I'm sure you're a benevolent dictator to your kingdom of mostly pre-road peoples. And now that you've decided to be fair and just, how much water exactly does your highness drink? It's quite safe, from my experience to recommend at least 2 L of water for most people at least 5 feet 5 inches (around 165 cm) and above 135 lbs (~ 65kg) in weight, above the age of 14-15.
You see how particular that was? I named age, height, and weight. Activity level is also a huge factor to consider. That's why I'd highly recommend working with a professional one on one to figure our your daily water intake goal.
Not only your body will thank you, but your peoples will also rejoice!
I know this will happen because in my program I also teach my clients all the easily identifiable signs & symptoms used to judge whether or not you are drinking enough water, day to day.  
Then you’ll confidentially know if you need more water or not.  
Doesn’t it sound nice to know how to read your own body?  
Other than feeling much better, my clients' favorite part of my 6-month program is learning how to read their own bodies. It's the language no one taught you before now.
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Ready to learn that language?
Sign up for a free consultation with me now, and let's start.
Have a wonderful week my friend! 
* The last rarely mentioned topic of hydration is mineralization. We must make sure the water you drink is adequately mineralized. Did you know that you could get sick from drinking ultra-pure water? When something is pure, it acts like a vacuum. Like perfume sprayed into a room, it slowly diffuses through the room until it is everywhere equally all at once. The same goes for pure water, in reverse. It will pull much-needed minerals out of your body into the water. This slowly demineralizes your body. So if you have a good water filter at home, make sure you're remineralizing your water afterward. If that's not possible, add a few highly mineralized drops into your water bottle before you drink (my current go to is "Trace: Utah Sea Minerals", start with 1 drop per litre of filtered water, increase by 1 drop until you're only peeing 3-4 times a day maximum). Note that there are other conditions and medications that can cause you to pee frequently too, so always work with a professional. It's a topic important enough to write it's own blog on, so more on that subject later.