Essential Health Recovery Tool #1

fat-release fertility Feb 01, 2024

Question: You know what to do, but how do you make sure you will actually do it?

Answer: You make time for reflecting on your actions or inactions every day & you remind yourself why you're doing it.
Question: How do you do all this in less than 5 minutes a day?
Answer: I present you the Mighty Checklist (aka, the Nightly Checklist).
Here's how it works, if you like videos & going at double speed. In this video, I explain the basics, show you what it looks like, and give some great examples of what I recommend my clients put on their lists.


What It Is 

A physical sheet of paper. Preferably resting on a clipboard beside your bed. On the list are habits you want to do everyday. At the top of the list is a description of the kind of person you are becoming by completing this list of habits. Once a day, you consult this list of habits you've committed to for the day or the week and you check them off one by one.

The Rules

1. If you did the habit/ritual, check the box beside it.
2. If you did not do it, circle the entire box around the habit/ritual (to make it obvious that you missed that day).
3. Once a week (at the end), look at everything you did (all the checks) in order to become the kind of person you want to be. Allow yourself to celebrate! Good job me!
4. Once a week (at the end), look at all (if any) of the big circles of those actions you did not take for one reason or another. Now reassess & decide. See Below.
5. Never keep an "unchecked" habit on your Mighty Checklist for more than 2 weeks. Never. Ever. The Checklist is sacred ground. You know what happens to those who disgrace sacred grounds? They get haunted by ghosts. All at once or slowly over time, this saps your willpower and breaks your self-trust. Then you give up on the entire Checklist to begin with... So, avoid this whole drama by never keeping an unchecked habit for longer than 2 weeks. Ever.
6. If a habit is in trouble (shaky, inconsistent), you have two choices over a period of two weeks: troubleshoot your execution to recover it (until it is checked off consistently), or relax already and try it again in a month or two.
7. Keep good score for at least 90 days before you remove a habit from the Checklist. Once you feel a habit becomes automatic, you might want to take it off the Checklist to make room for new habits to implement. The true period of automatically is greatly varied between people (28 days to half a year). I find 90 days work really well for most clients. If that secure feeling isn't there yet after 90 days, then keep it for another 90, and so on. Usually this only takes 2 cycles.

Reassessing & Deciding

Ask Yourself... Is this habit worth keeping? There are 3 possible answers.
Answer A: "Yes!" Then look at your schedule and figure out how to make time for the habit, or reflect on what got in the way this week and learn from it. Whom do you need to talk or negotiate responsibilities with?, what office door signs do you need to make?, or when would a baby sitter just make all the difference? There is almost always a way to "crowbar" it in to your day.
Answer B: "No". Okay, so you learned something about yourself! That's kinda nice. Good for you! Sometimes I find people say "No" reflexively as well, and often just need someone to talk to in order to work it out that the real answer is Answer C.
Answers C: "Maybe just not now..." Done. Decision made. Now relax already and try again in 1-2 months. Rome was not built in a day. (And most of us aren't even trying to build Rome...)

Why It Works

  • It only takes 5 minutes every day
  • It is satisfying to most of us to check things off a list
  • It is even more satisfying to most of us to see a list "completed", every week. Never underestimate how much self trust and confidence that builds.
  • And most importantly, it requires you to define the kind of person you want to become through taking these listed actions. . . definition brings clarity, clarity brings both purpose & relief in knowing you're on the right path - finally.

How I Can Help You Make Yours


At the end of the day, what goes on this list is highly individualised to what my client's health goals are, and at the same time, there are 100s of habits to choose from out there in the galaxy. And do you need to do them all? No.
In fact, only 10-20% of all health habits out there bring you over 80% of your health recovery results.
I know which ones work.
I personally experimented with this Checklist Tool for five years before I brought it to my clients. Now they get exactly the results they came for.
Let me show you what those top 10-20% habits are; here's what to do!
First, check out my video for a list of some of my favourite 10-20% habits to adopt.
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Second, book a free consult call with me here and let's make sure you have exactly the best ones for your health goals.
Have a wonderful day, my friend!