Hey, I Need Some Minerals Please!

Oct 01, 2023

Are you noticing any of the following in your body?

1. Calf, foot, or toe cramps.
2. Frequent fevers.
3. Gag easily
4. Joint pop or click.
5, Morning stiffness.
6, Nausea or vomiting.
7. Crave Chocolate.
8. Feet have a strong odor.
9. Hoarseness of voice.
10. Difficulty swallowing.
11. White spots on fingernails.
12. Cold sores, fever blisters or herpes lesions.
13. Frequent skin rashes or hives.
14. Cuts heal slowly and / or scar easily.
15. Whites of the eyes are blue tinted.
16. Feeling of a lump in your throat.
17. Dry mouth, eyes, and / or nose.
18. Decreased sense of taste and smell.
19. Are you shorter than you used to be?
20. Excessively flexible joints, “double jointed”.
Here's the interesting part: most of the clients I've worked with who have been seriously mineral deficient DIDN'T come to me with any of these 20 complaints.
They didn't say, "Hey Isabella, I think I'm shorter than I used to be and I crave chocolate all the time, can you help me?"
No. Never. Not even once.
So why even show you the signs of mineral deficiency?
Because this is what (mineral deficient) clients come to me for:
  • Improved reliable energy, i.e. wake up easily and ready to go!
  • Reversing years of unexplainable weight gain, such that they could finally live in their right sized bodies.
  • Recover easy & smooth periods every month, i.e. free from PMS and painkiller-popping cramping.
  • Recover their ability to carry a pregnancy to full term without drugs or invasive treatments.
  • Recover the ability to sleep through the night.
  • Here's one that might surprise you: reverse biological age.
Notice how varied their goals are.
Yet, in EACH case, minerals played a HUGE role in them reaching their health objective.
How is that possible? Because it is a basic health foundation.
It's more important than you drinking water and eating food. In fact, without minerals, you couldn't physiologically do either.
Mind blown yet? Just in case you missed it, here it is again:
Without minerals, you couldn't physiologically drink water nor eat food.
That's why it's one of the 7 foundations of health I teach in my 6 month program.
I teach my client's what minerals to take (i.e. BEAM, as one example) and how to read their body for signs of mineral optimization (not too much and not too little).
Self evaluation tools are key for long lasting fantastic results for my clients. I just gave you 20 examples for the mineral foundation at the start.
Your exercise:
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Pen and paper; read each of the 20 signs again.
In the past month, how often has the sign or symptom bothered you: never, about once a month, once a week, or daily?
Each answer has a score and you'll add up your scores for a final total.
Your body is a gold mine of information and I want to show you how to read its language. Email me at [email protected] for the free full mineral self evaluation key and what to do as per your score.
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OR, you can get my full comprehensive functional health assessment for free.
So whatever your health goal, my friend, get yourself on a free consult call with me here.
Let me show you how simple health recovery can be.