How to Lose Weight for the Last Time

fat-release nourishmemt painfree periods May 01, 2024

The last time I saw a diet program advertisement was a year ago in the Spring of 2023. 


For the first time in years, I didn't feel the urge to change my weight loss plan.


Because the program I made for myself was ALREADY working. 


This picture represents my results from one year on this program. And that's when I was trying to be as lazy as possible (more on this later). 


I've been down more diet program rabbit holes than I care to admit to even my closest family and friends. 


Like most of my clients, I just want to make the transformation in secret & then amaze everyone with what I did. Then if I fail, no one would ever know I failed, right? Sure, except I would know.


Now I tell EVERYONE about my Fat Release Program - even though I haven't reached my goal yet. 


Because for the first time ever, I know I will reach my goal: 100% know.


In the last year I have also freed up many weeks of my life from the diet detail drama spin cycle.


I made this program - The Fat Release Program - to meet my own health dreams & also because most of my clients want to lose some or a lot of weight.


Whether you're wanting to lose fat for fitness or for a number on the scale, let me show you why I know this program will work for you too.


A video introduction of the Fat Release Program can be found here.



Beta Program Results:


After seeing what was possible for myself, I launched my Beta Program.


Even when done imperfectly, here are my Beta Program clients' results:


on average, more than 2 lbs / month lost


That's almost 1 kg per month. 


Over a year, that's 12 kgs (or 20+ lbs) finally gone.


And here's what makes me even happier & the ultimate reason I created this program: their average self-rated level of ease on the program from 1 to 10 (10 being the most ease) was 


8 / 10


Here's how I defined "ease": how easy it is to deal with hunger (or cravings) while you follow the program, if and when you feel hungry? It can also be thought of as "how satiated were you?"


Now please take a moment and ask yourself how many weight loss programs you know where people feel an 8/10 EASE in satiation & cravings? 


Then ask yourself, how many programs do that WITHOUT requiring any special macronutrient restrictions, like low carb or keto or fasting? Oh, and how about no exercise requirement? 


And it only gets better:


ALL my Beta Program clients had different diets, ethnicities, and ages.


So what excuse do you have left NOT to join this program?




Fat Release Program Philosophies


If you'd like the visual summary, here is the video link.


Here are the Foundational Philosophies that make your results on this program inevitable:


(1) Calories Matter


It is VERY popular these days to hear people say "calories don't count!" They are right and wrong. Weight loss is a multi-variable challenge. It is TOO simple to say that they don't count, OR that they are the end all be all of how to lose weight. 


"Focus on quality instead!", they say. I believed in this particular rabbit hole for almost a decade - eating the best grass fed and organic foods BUT didn't see meaningful results. Changing the quality of your calories AND quantity is essential. 


It's one reason why fasting works for so many people because a person can only eat so much in one to two meals a day. Thus they probably eat LESS  overall, and thus see results. My program doesn't require any fasting, by the way, but it is an interesting example that demonstrates how calories matter.


(2) Occasionally Eat Lower Calories


Based on research I read years ago, a group of men put on a diet for two weeks at a time (with two weeks "OFF", such that they only ate enough to keep them at the same weight) lost MORE weight and almost TWICE as much weight compared to the control group of men who dieted non-stop (at a weight loss level of calories). Here's the result graph from the study:



The key here is that consistent results require occasional dieting. At maximum, for half the month at a time. Otherwise, your body quickly adapts to the new (lower) calorie intake & your results stop. Frustration rises. You quit. And the diet detail drama continues. 


(3) At All Other Times, Eat to Gather Momentum


All you need to do to maintain your weight loss momentum is to eat at your "maintenance" level of calories. Your maintenance level of calories is the level of calorie intake where you don't gain weight or lose weight over a period of 1-2 weeks. 


This is how I see fasting programs go wrong really fast - pun intended! After about 3 months on regular intense daily fasting (because more is always better, right? NO!)  the most common thing I see is 


  • weight loss stalling, 
  • sleep quality plummeting (specifically deep sleep scores), 
  • and hair falling out. 


That's no good. You guys, please just eat breakfast at least 3 times a week. Your hormones will thank you. Note for women: we usually hit "the wall" (and thus see the above side-effects) after 1 month of intense fasting regimes. 


I've personally fasted every day for 20-24 hours at a time, for THREE MONTHS, and saw absolutely NO RESULTS - outside of the first 1-2 weeks. So trust me on this, you can't just change one variable and expect results. 


In summary, give your body time to build up that weight loss momentum. I tell my clients it's like building up the tension in a spring, such that by the end of two weeks on "momentum calories", their body has build up the potential energy required to lose more weight. 


And when they do it that way, they ALWAYS keep releasing more weight. Every time. 


(4) Leverage Your Male or Female Hormones for Maximum Ease


Now you'll hear something you've never hear before: women have an unfair hormonal advantage when it comes to dieting. 


WHAT?! I know. 


You thought men had all the advantage, right? The advantageous fact for men is that they can't get pregnant, so their bodies aren't as sensitive to changes in calories. True! So aren't guys super enviable in that way?


Maybe, but here is women's unfair advantage: their powerful cyclic hormonal changes.


About once a month, women basically go through two distinct cycle phases. I call them (1) adventure & growth vs. (2) nurture & nest. 


In phase one, all our hormones make us feel more upbeat, sexier, outgoing, and confident. Along with all these adventurous qualities, come the hormones that naturally suppress appetite! If we go to the gym at this time, we have at least double the muscle growth compared to phase 2. Women also feel like they think about food less & even don't find it interesting! 


In phase two, our hormones change profoundly, leaving us feeling more inward-focused, preferring small-circle-social bonding, and slower (the good kind of lazy). Along with these hormonal induced feelings, is also increased hunger and lower satiety.


Let me ask you, during which phase would you recommend a woman diet? That's right! Phase one. If she were to diet in phase 2, everything would feel like a pointless struggle. That's not EASE. 


This applies to women of all ages, because this cyclic change continues into peri- and post menopause - just at a lower scale. Although the hormones are more powerful when you are ovulating, you can still feel the hormonal effects post menopause (taken over by your adrenal glands, rather than the ovaries). 


For men, the advantage is that they can start the "diet" piece at any point. They don't have to wait for that "hormonal window" like women. The hormonal cycle of men varies more day to day, within each day, rather than week to week. 


In summary, whether a man or a woman, you will benefit from the biweekly calorie cycling because it alone restores and rebalances the hormones of satiation & hunger. At the same time, if you are a women, there is such a thing as better and worse timing. Either way, the key to maximising "ease" is leveraging our hormones. 


 (5) Automaticity


Change is really easy when you make one change at a time, until it becomes automatic. 


Automaticity means that there is no willpower required. 


I teach my clients how through my Mighty Checklist tool & strategic ritual creation tactics.


(6) Leveraging Identity for Change


While I over-researched diet detail drama years ago, I was always drawn to books on long-term behavioural change. 


Above all else, the most powerful tool I've learned is how to leverage your identity (who you want to become) to show up when you feel like quitting. 


It's a life changing tool in my tool belt, and you can bet that I use with ALL my clients to reach their health dreams.   


(7)  Quit the diet detail drama


Slowly & smoothly, you will gather evidence for yourself that this program works & finally realise it is time to let go of your diet detail drama.


Instead, you let the magic happen. 


At first, this will take some "fasting" - from certain google or youtube searches AND especially weight-loss podcasts or podcast episodes. 


On the other side of that diet detail drama fast is a whole lot of peace and relief that you're in the right place & you've found something that works for you.


(8) Live your life as if your goal is inevitable, because it is. 


Relief is one of my favourite feelings. And one of my favourite questions to ask is what else would you be doing if you knew your health dreams were inevitable?


This becomes a major theme in my Fat Release Program - alongside working on the habits and implementation -  because this IS THE POINT.


There is something we're all waiting to feel or do or say AFTER we've reached our body composition goal. It is your work to let yourself feel all those now, AS YOU DO THE WORK to reach your goal. 


My mentor calls it "Process Pride". It could also be "Process Joy, Relief, or Fun"... all it is is allowing yourself to feel X or Y feeling while you are in the PROCESS of getting to your goal. 


For example, let yourself feel proud of the process, because you are

  • showing up for your habits
  • investing in yourself & your health dreams
  • asking questions when you need help
  • realising you're becoming the kind of person who is unstoppable in reaching their health goals


 Starting Your Program


I know you are ready to start or already have someone in mind who you know is ready for results just like these. Here's what to do next:


Book a Free Discovery Call with me here


My private 1:1 program is 6 months long & designed to get my clients exactly what he or she came for, NO MATTER their


  • age, sex, & ethnicity 
  • exercise or no exercise 
  • diet preferences (High or low carb/fat/protein, Asian/European/etc cuisine, etc)
  • health condition (Want to lose weight easily after pregnancy or at the same time as working on healing a chronic condition? My clients often want to do both, no problem)
  • work/family schedule (I developed this program while married, moving across Canada, growing my private practice, & with enough ENERGY and time to pursue fun adventures. My Beta Program Clients' lives were just as full as mine & they made it work.) 
  • goals (Fat loss for fitness or for a number on the scale, it works either way)


So let me invite you to


  • just to do what works consistently, reliably, & predictably. 
  • finally let go of the information overload & relax into my simple process.
  • step out of decision-making fatigue & into automaticty.
  • finally start living like your goal is inevitable. 


Start your Fat Release Program here.



 Finally, a thank you & updates!


These Nutrition Letters are now broadcasted by a local Radio Host in Maine, USA. 


As these Letters come out each month, Radio Host Bill & I dive deeper and answer your questions. 


If you have any questions for our next show, please send them my way at 


[email protected]


Here is the audio link to our conversation for the last Nutrition Letter on Achieving Your Dreams: How to be Unstoppable.


My private functional nutrition practice is currently accepting new clients.


Here are the conditions I help resolve, at :