Mineral Need: Self Evaluation Guide

fat-release minerals Nov 01, 2023
What are the signs your body sends you when it is asking for more minerals?
I made a list of 22 signs, just for you.
These are 95% of the signs you want to know how to read. None of them require special lab equipment, blood tests, or invasive examinations.
My goal is to make it as easy as possible for YOU to Self-Evaluate at any time.
Why do we care about mineral status again? Here's a refresher.
I give my clients a self evaluation guide in the form of a simple quiz. Based on their score, I give the appropriate next best recommendation.
In this guide is also a section called "The Basics". It outlines the three best actions to take for almost any score. Here they are,

The Basics

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1. Add a pinch of mined salt (i.e. Himalayan salt, or Redmond salt) to every 1L of water you drink. If you are peeing more than 3 times a day, you need more electrolytes in your water, like a drop of trace mineral concentrate from a clean source (this one works well).
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2. Take humic and fulvic complexes, otherwise known as the “Advanced Electrolyte & Micronutrient Support” from BEAM (½ cap each bottle every morning when you wake up). I explain BEAM on my blog post here.
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3. Find yourself the original multivitamin combo: desiccated Heart, Kidney, and Liver capsules. Grass-fed, pasture raised matters, and organic if possible. It matters so much that I don’t want you to order this if it isn’t grass-fed and pasture raised. Best Canadian source here. Best global source here. Both these are good examples of what a monthly dose looks like.
These recommendations are excellent foundations. Start there.
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Whatever you decide to try, even if it is not my own recommendations, your body will respond.
As your body changes over time, improving or worsening, I want to give you a guide to help you easily figure out what to do next.
For that, I recommend you get my Mineral Optimization Guide.
It's a gift for anyone who emails me at
and requests it.
Once you do, I highly recommend to do this quiz every quarter, or 90 days.
Your body will thank you.
I know it will because in my program I also teach my clients all the easily identifiable signs & symptoms used to judge whether or not you have mineral deficiencies.  
Then you’ll confidentially know if you need more minerals or not.  
Doesn’t it sound nice to know how to read your own body?  
I promise you that my client’s favorite part of my 6 month program is learning how to read their own bodies. It's the language no one taught you before now.
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Ready to learn that language?
Sign up for a free consultation with me now, and let's start.
Have a wonderful week my friend!