The Essential Role of Minerals in Your Life Quality

fat-release fertility minerals Aug 01, 2023

Do you do your laundry every week?

How about the trash?
"Yes! Ofcourse!"
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Great, now how about your cells? Are they doing the laundry and taking the trash out?
Your cells take the trash out – every day. BUT if they don’t have enough minerals and electrolytes (ie. my go to BEAM recommendation with my clients), the trash piles up, slowing down and ageing your cells quicker.
Now do you see how we slow down as we age?
Feel more achy?
Feel more pain?
It’s often due to years of accumulated useless metabolic debris.
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Do you care about healing your wounds and growing healthy new tissue every day, week, and month?
Ofcourse you do!
Every cell in our body is replaced in a span of 7 years. EVERY CELL! That’s a lot of tissue growth!!
You know what makes sure tissue growth happens smoothly? You guessed it!
Think about your thyroid gland. It’s in charge of your metabolism, energy, and growth. It gives orders to your body through its thyroid hormones. You know what the two essential thyroid hormone ingredients are?
Protein & Iodine.
Which one of those is a mineral? Iodine!!
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Do you care about having good muscle tone and strength your whole life?
Ofcourse you do!
You know what muscles are mostly built of? Ofcourse, it’s protein (+water)!
Do you know how our body absorbs protein that we eat?
Two ingredients:
1. Stomach acid
2. Enzymes
Here are the incredible facts on these two ingredients:
Fact: Our bodies need ZINC to make enough stomach acid. What’s Zinc? A MINERAL!
Fact: Most enzymes are made out of protein + MINERALS!
Fact: You're not surprised anymore that everything comes back to minerals ;)
And there’s MORE!
While we are talking about facts, here is the whole list of what minerals do for you:
Support ...
- all body structures
- all body functions
Help regulate ...
- tissue growth
- enzymes as cofactors
- proper nerve conduction
- transport nutrients across cell membranes
- muscle pH, contraction and relaxation of all muscles
So what am I saying?
Almost every part of your body requires minerals to survive. So, we MUST get YOUR body’s minerals optimized for you to thrive!
“I’m ready! What do I take? What do I do?!” you say.
Don’t worry. I’ve got you.
Sit back. Relax.
I’ve got ALL your mineral needs covered in the next articles & personalised for you my future recommendations when you join my health foundation program.
In my program I also teach my clients all the easily identifiable signs & symptoms in functional nutritional therapy that I use to judge whether or not YOU have mineral deficiencies.
Why does that matter?
Because then you’ll know EXACTLY how to tell if you need more minerals or whether you have enough.
Doesn’t it sound nice to know how to read your own body?
If you’re not sure yet how nice that sounds, I promise you that my client’s favourite part of the health foundation program is learning how to read their own bodies. Like seeing the world in colour for the first time!
My top most basic recommendation for getting most all of your mineral needs covered is BEAM. Why? See our next article!
Or, just sign up for a free consultation with me and find out now.
Have a wonderful week my friend!
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