fat-release minerals Sep 01, 2023
The producers of this excellent product describe it very well and I've shortened it for your benefit and made sense of it! BEAM has two parts or two supplements meant to be taken together. All together they contain a full spectrum of
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“electrolytes, trace minerals, micronutrients, amino acids and some B-vitamins, in a 100% bioavailable, ionized format.”
Getting enough of your basic minerals is very hard in our modern diet because our soil quality isn’t very good anymore.
This is the first reason I recommend this to most of my clients, because I always address this essential health foundation of the body: Minerals.
Now. How does it work?
“It supplies important cellular nutrition and detoxification support in a liquid format that tastes like water. The secret to the effectiveness of BEAM Products is in the completely natural, plant-based fulvic and humic complexes.”
These two ingredients are the key: Humic and Fulvic complexes. They are basically mostly ancient plant material. Thus, very concentrated in helpful nutrients for our bodies.
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What's a Fulvic Complex Do?
“Fulvic complexes provide important transportation for nutrients into the cells and bio-waste and toxins out of the cells. Fulvic complexes boost the metabolism and provide exceptional immune system support.”
Read that again.
The Fulvic Complex helps all your cells take the trash out better AND help beneficial nutrients get INTO your cells. Now that's a steller combo.
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What's a Humic Complex Do?
“Humic complexes are the champion of antioxidants! They collect free radicals and bio-waste, bind with heavy metals and provide important detoxification support by carrying these unwanted elements out of the body.”
It is hard to find a substance that is this affordable
AND BINDS with heavy metals
AND collects free radicals.
This Humic Complex alone makes it wayyy easier for your whole detoxification system, including you liver and kidneys, to detoxify your body every day (everything from air pollution to water pollution).
What I recommend to my clients is that they take half a cap full from each of these bottles EVERY day. That's TWO months supply. Here is where you get it. It's called Advanced Electrolyte & Micronutrient Support. Real fancy name. And it works.
But how do you know if you need more minerals in your life?
It's a matter of knowing what to look for.
Every client of mine is shown a simple self evaluation test to identify their own mineral status & the knowledge of what to do to optimize it.
This is a skill they now have for life.
Want to learn about it?
Sign up for a free 90 min consultation with me and learn it now. I'll be happy to share it with you on our call :)
Have a wonderful week my friend!